Fount of Purity
Autor: S. G. Odell  |  Album: Album necunoscut  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Resursa adaugata de Aleee in 04/10/2007
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1. Oh, faint not, weary soul,
Thy Savior’s near to thee;
He now will make thee whole,
Look up to Calvary.

R: Hail, fount of purity!
Hail, wondrous, cleansing blood!
Hail, great security!
Thou spotless Lamb of God.

2. Behold thy Savior dies,
He dies, He dies for thee;
’Tis finished now, He cries,
Oh, captive soul, be free!

3. Thy sins of crimson dye
Shall white as wool appear;
Now to the fountain fly,
’Twill cleanse thee, do not fear.

4. Thy sins of scarlet hue
Shall all be white as snow;
There’s nothing thou canst do,
But to the fountain go.

5. Behold the fountain near,
By faith, oh, plunge today;
Oh, sin-sick soul, draw near—
’Twill purge thy stain away.
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